Source 1.
Architectural Science and Design in Harmony; Joint ANZAScA/ ADTRA Conference UNSW, Sydney 10-12th July 1990; Edited by Jim Plume; School of Architecture UNSW 1990;ppg 229 - 238
"This paper analyses some arguments and beliefs and presupposititions about the nature of design and the relations between design and science common in the literature to illustrate this point, and to contribute to the the foundations of design theory."
Source 2.
Personal Space: The Behavioral Basis of Design; Robert Sommer; PrenticHall, inc. 1969
This source reflects on the idea of user behaviour as a basis of design, and that "effort should be made to see how satisfactory a building is from the standpoint of the different publics involved".Sommer suggests that people have "accepted physical forms and administrative arrangements based upon outdated views on human activity" - how we accept things the way they are without recognising the fact that "designers are shaping people as well as buildings"
Source 3.
Acoustics for Architects; E.G. Richardson, B.A PhD D.Sc; Edward Arnold & Co reprinted 1948; ppg 80-88
This source proposes general fundamentals and rules on acoustic design. Richardson suggests a number of acoustic principles for various public building types, to aid the designer in planning for the best conditions of listening.
Source 4.
An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry; Christian Peskine; Cambride University Press 1996This source is an introduction to commutative algebra; aiming to prepare and lead the student to complex projective geometry. This book discusses the general theory of rings and modules with an emphasis on modern algebraic geomtry.
Source 5.
Global Aspects of Complex Geometry; Fabrizio Catanes, Helene Esnault; Alan T Huckleberry; Klaus Hulek, thomas Peternell; Springer 2006
This source is a collection of surveys presenting an overview of recent developments in Complex Geometry, ranging in topics such as curve and surface theory, to Kahler Geometry, Hodge theory and P geometry.
Source 6.
Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry Vol 52 Pt 2;Eric Bedfor, John P d'Angelo, Robert E Greene, Steve G Krantz; American Mathematical Society 1989; ppg 619 - 625
This source discusses the proposals of a generalization of the classical uniformization theorems, and reviews what has been accomplished, and also what could be expected in the future.