Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A2 Poster & Grasshopper Definition

Please click the links below to download the PDF version of the poster & the Grasshopper definition:

Assignment 01 A2 Poster .pdf

Grasshopper Definition .ghx


Tower Tutorial pt1:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

some more experimentation

After a bit of playing around after completing some tutorials, I came up with this pretty cool looking model. Here are a couple of really quick renders:

A couple more renders of more experiments:

Experiment Progress

Some screen captures of experiments & tutorials I have attempted

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I was unable to find a tutorial to create the branch effect I was aiming for. My tutor did however mention that using the 'Random' button on Grasshopper was needed to be used to achieve my desired effect. I have found a helpful video tutorial from Digital Toolbox which covers topics like evaluating length, and using a random generator.


I have decided to continue with the 'branches' concept, mainly because I feel as if there is a beauty in the scattered, sprouting look of the branch.

The definition of a tree/branch is greatly varied - but most commonly known as the woody part of a tree.

In more detail though, a branch is protruding structure which connects to the central trunk of a tree. They are attached to the tree trunk by interlocked branch and tree tissue. The branch is held up by a woody branch collar which is produced from the tree trunk. Food does not move from the roots or from other branches - so the leaves on each branch must produce enough food to prevent a branch from starving. If a branch is on the interior side of a shaded tree, it does not recieve adequate light, eventually dying and falling off the tree.

In a much more simpler sense, a branch is something that connects one thing to another. The most common example is the connection of a tree trunk to its leaves, the woody structures branching out multiple times. However, more diverse connections could be made, like different branches of banks, the connections of different relationships in an evolutionary tree etc.

-Trees, Chapter 2 Page & Holmes (1998) Trees pg 11-13

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Ice Crystals

These small crystal ice forms are naturally developed, yet their symmetrical form makes it seem almost man made. There is also a sense of explosion from how the ice crystals seem to branch out from the centre in random directions.

Trees & Branches

Another natural form - trees, when seen as a mass group like a forest shows a complex pattern, with trees and their branches growing in different directions. When a tree is viewed by itself, it seems a little more organised. When viewed at a smaller scaler - a sense of repitition is seen with the leaves & also, the grains found on the tree bark.


Veins & the human circulatory system can be looked at like a highway with the veins as the road, and blood cells as vehicles. Veins branch out, like ice crystals & trees, but in different lengths depending on the location of the body - forming a very complex yet beautiful pattern.